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Oct 4, 2011

Blog Post 5: Wave Interference Simulation Activities

1. Measure the wavelength of two drops of different amplitude, leave frequency constant.

Amplitude maxed out with a medium-low frequency: 2.96cm
Amplitude minimized with a medium-low frequency: 2.96cm

2. Measure the wavelength of two drops with different frequency, leave amplitude constant.

Amplitude medium, frequency very low: 8.98cm
Amplitude medium, frequency high: .92cm

3. Explain your results.
We can conclude that wavelength is directly proportional to frequency, Wavelength = speed/frequency. Amplitude is not in this equation thus the amplitude plays no part in the wavelength.

4. Introduce a second faucet for the next set of questions.
- measure the wavelength of the two drips, in cm

The drops wavelengths are 2.56cm
Points A, B, C, D, E, F

- then measure distances from each drip to the 6 constructive interference points and report these values, cm
Faucet - A: 2.49 cm      Faucet2 - A:2.49cm
Faucet - B: 2.11cm       Faucet2 - B: 4.55cm
Faucet - C: 4.55cm       Faucet2 - C: 2.11cm
Faucet - D: 4.55cm       Faucet2 - D: 4.55cm
Faucet - E: 4.6cm         Faucet2 - E: 6.5cm
Faucet - F: 6.5cm         Faucet2 - F: 4.6cm
A-B:1.93 cm
A-C:1.93 cm
B-E:2.49 cm
C-F:2.49 cm
B-C:3.04 cm
- explain the observation you have on the distance comparisons to the constructive interference points to the wavelength of the water wave.

The distance between the waves increases as they move farther away from the source, this is because they are waves that disperse out from a center circular point instead of moving from one location like a direct beam of light. Distances between constructs seem to be growing at a rate of 1.5 per added water drop.

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